Seopan is back in business
The Association of Spanish Construction Companies (Seopan, a Spanish acronym) has once again called on the government to establish an infrastructure charging model to solve the investment and conservation deficit, which in the case of heavy vehicles could be 19 cents...
Trànsit corrects the error of restricting the transport of perishable goods in Catalonia
The Catalan Traffic Service has published Resolution INT/551/2020, of 26 February, which modifies the restrictions on the transport of perishable goods contained in Resolution INT/383/2020, of 13 February. By mistake, Trànsit included the transport of perishable goods...
Tampering with the tachograph will be considered a criminal offence and will help to deter offenders
This Monday, the Public Prosecutor’s Office for Road Safety sent a letter to the competent traffic police forces (Guardia Civil, Mossos de Esquadra, Ertzaintza and Navarre Police) to intensify checks on lorries and to issue certificates of falsification of...