Possible mobilisation in France on 11 February against restrictions and vaccination
Over the last week, Canada’s capital, Ottawa, has been in the news due to the mobilisation of truck drivers, blocking the main streets and sounding their horns in protest the Covid-19 and vaccination restrictions. According to French media reports, this...
France’s penalties for non-compliance with the rules on the posting of drivers are as follows
On Wednesday 2 February, some of the measures included in Mobility Package I that affect international transport came into force. Among the rules is the obligation to register the movement of drivers when carrying out cabotage operations in EU Member States or the...
These are the new rules on the movement of international transport drivers that will apply from 2 February
It was in July 2020 that the European Parliament adopted the Mobility Package I, a set of measures aimed at improving competition in road haulage companies and putting an end to irregular practices by establishing proper working conditions and social protection for...
Recovery of amounts unduly paid on tolls on the A-15 and N-1 motorways in Guipúzcoa
The Spanish Confederation of Freight Transport (CETM) and CCS Abogados signed a Collaboration Agreement to request the refund of the amounts unduly paid since 23/12/2016 on the A-15 and the N-1 after the High Court of Justice of the Basque Country, by judgment dated 9...